To submit public comments or to register to be put on the agenda to give oral testimony, please contact:
Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
ATTN: Facility Closure
802 Stratton Building
Springfield, IL 62706
Please include:
Facility Being Closed:
Your Position: (Proponent, Opponent, or No position)
The type of Testimony you would like to give: (Oral Testimony at the hearing, Written Statement Filed, or Record of Appearance Only)
Email (if you would like confirmation):
If you are wanting to provide oral testimony, please include:
Your relationship to the Facility: (Employee, Client, Family of Client, Concerned Citizen, Advocate, etc.)
Organization (if applicable):
Title (if applicable):
To better ensure your name being on the agenda, please remit your request to give oral testimony 3 business days prior to the public hearing. Oral testimony can still be given if your name is not on the agenda. Please limit testimony to 2 minutes.
If submitting written testimony or comments via email, please send the written material in one of the following forms: