Meeting Information

January 12, 2010 Meeting Agenda and Audio
Initial Notice Posted on
January 12, 2010
January 12, 2010 Agenda
Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 10:00 a.m.
Room 400, State House, Springfield, Illinois 62706
- Call to Order by CGFA Co-Chairmen
Senator Jeffery Schoenberg/Representative Richard Myers
- Presentation of Western Illinois University Certificates of Participation
Jackie Thompson, Vice President for Administrative Services, Western Illinois University
Al Harris, Associate Vice President for Student Services, Western Illinois University
- Adjournment
Meeting audio may be downloaded by using a right click on the audio icon and "Saving As". To listen, you must have a media player already installed, otherwise, download and install one from the following link.