Meeting Information

April 16, 2013 Meeting Agenda and Audio
Initial Notice Posted on
March 21, 2013
May 21, 2012 CGFA Meeting Agenda
Commission on Government
Forecasting and Accountability
FY 2014 State Employees Group Insurance Contracts Hearing
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - TIME CHANGE 9:00 a.m.
Room 212, State Capitol
- Call to Order by CGFA Co-Chairs -- Senator Michael Frerichs/ Representative Jil Tracy
- Overview of the FY 2014 Group Insurance Program
- CMS - Director Malcolm Weems / Janice Bonneville
- Ongoing Health Contracts for FY 2014
- HMOs
- BCBS HMO Illinois / Blue Advantage - JoAnn Wetzel
- Health Alliance - Sinead Rice Madigan / Lori Cowdrey
- Coventry - Bonnie Cade / Roman Kulich / Michael Wolff
- Open Access Plans (OAPs)
- Coventry - Bonnie Cade / Roman Kulich / Michael Wolff
- HealthLink - Susan Lehne / Mark Haegle
- Other Providers
- CIGNA - Debbie Roberson / Carol Lemke
- Delta Dental - Darren Avant
- Magellan Behavioral Health - Julie Billingsley
- Renewed and Amended Contracts for FY 2014
- Express Scripts (formerly Medco) - Donna Flieg
- EyeMed Vision Care - Sharon Mukes
- Fringe Benefit Management Company
- Commuter Savings
- Life Insurance Contracts for FY 2014
- Minnesota Life - Beca Nix
- Adjournment
Attendance, Motion and Vote
Meeting Audio