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Meeting Information

February 9, 2011 Meeting Information and Audio
Initial Notice Posted on
February 09, 2011
March 16, 2010 Agenda
Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
Wednesday, February 9 - 3:00 p.m.
Room 212, State Capitol
- Call to Order by CGFA Co-Chairmen
Senator Jeffery Schoenberg/Representative Patricia Bellock
- Presentation on how the State may devise an income-based formula for healthcare contributions by State of Illinois retirees
- Julie Hamos, Director, DHFS
- Brian Hamer, Director, Revenue
- Janice Bonneville, Deputy Director, CMS, Bureau of Benefits
- Marcia Armstrong, Legislative Liaison, CMS, Bureau of Benefits
- Certificates of Participation Requests
- Western Illinois University request to issue Certificates of Participation
- Jackie Thompson, Vice President for Administrative Services, WIU
- Dana Biernbaum, Assistant Vice President for Administrative Services, WIU
- Scott Coker, Assistant Director of Physical Plant, WIU
- Dave Steelman, Legislative Liaison, WIU
- Andrew Bacon, Partner, Chapman and Cutler, LLC
- John Vincent, John S. Vincent & Co.
- James McNulty, John S. Vincent & Co.
- Illinois State University request to issue Certificates of Participation
- Dan Layzell, Vice President for Financing and Planning, ISU
- Greg Alt, Assistant Vice President for Financial Administration/Comptroller, ISU
- Deb Smitley, Senior Associate Vice President for Planning, Finance and Facilities, ISU
- John Vincent, Financial Advisor for Transaction, John S. Vincent & Co.
- Andrew Bacon, Bond Counsel for Transaction, Chapman and Cutler, LLC
- Next Commission Meeting March 15, 2011 to present FY 2012 Revenue Estimate
- Adjournment
Votes and handouts
Meeting audio may be downloaded by using a right click on the audio icon and "Saving As". To listen, you must have a media player already installed, otherwise, download and install one from the following link.