Meeting Information

May 25, 2011 Meeting Agenda and Audio
Initial Notice Posted on
May 20, 2011
May 25, 2011 CGFA Meeting Agenda
Commission on Government
Forecasting and Accountability
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 - 8:30 a.m.
Room 212, State Capitol
- Call to Order by CGFA Co-Chairs -- Senator Jeffrey Schoenberg/Representative Patricia Bellock
- Discuss the Attorney General's opinion of May 18, 2011
- Representatives from DHS/CMS
- Overview of the FY 2012 Group Health Insurance Contracts - Director Julie Hamos; Mercer Consultants
- Plans for FY 2012 Open Enrollment Period - Janice Bonneville
- New Contracts for FY 2012 Awarded as a Result of Competitive Bids
- HealthLink OAP -- Susan Lehne
- PersonalCare OAP -- Kent Davidson
- HMO Illinois -- Annette Marinez, Cary Goldstein
- Blue Advantage -- Richard Allegretti, William Patton
- Life Insurance Contracts for FY 2012 -- Beca Nix, Brian Anderson
- Adjournment
Motions and Votes
Mercer Handout
Meeting audio may be downloaded by using a right click on the audio icon and "Saving As". To listen, you must have a media player already installed, otherwise, download and install one from the following link.