Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
C.D. Davidsmeyer, Co-Chair
David Koehler, Co-Chair
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Meeting Information
October 24, 2011 Meeting Agenda and Audio
Initial Notice Posted on October 04, 2011
Jacksonville Developmental Center Agenda October 24, 2011

AGENDA - Updated

Purpose: State Facility Closure Act Hearing
Illinois Department of Human Services - Jacksonville Developmental Center Closure

October 24 2011; 5:00 p.m.
Bruner Recreation Center, Illinois College, Edgehill Road & Lincoln Ave., Jacksonville, IL 62650

  1. Call to Order:
    1. Co-Chair Senator Jeffrey M. Schoenberg
    2. Co-Chair Representative Patricia Bellock
  2. State of Illinois Executive Branch Officials
    1. Governor's Office of Management and Budget:
      1. David Vaught, Director

    2. Illinois Department of Human Services
      1. Michelle R.B. Saddler, Secretary
      2. Grace Hou, Assistant Secretary
      3. Kevin Casey, Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
      4. Reta Hoskin, Associate Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities
      5. Robert Brock, Budget Director
      6. Greg Fenton, Deputy Director for State Operated Facilities
      7. Jeff Kunz, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Labor Relations

    3. Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
      1. Sheila Romano, Executive Director
      2. Diana Braun, Member
  3. Jacksonville Developmental Center Residents
    1. Steven Boeing
    2. Kenny Lord
    3. Justin Copas
    4. Rose Caffey
    5. Adrian Williams
    6. Brian Lynch
    7. Theresa Payne
    8. Jennifer McCarrey
  4. Elected Officials
    1. Aaron Schock, U.S. Representative, 18th Congressional District
    2. Wm. Sam McCann, State Senator, 49th District
    3. Jim Watson, State Representative, 97th District
    4. Jil Tracy, State Representative, 93rd District
    5. Larry Bomke, State Senator, 50th District
    6. Andy Ezard, Mayor, City of Jacksonville
    7. Rick Stevens, Alderman, City of Jacksonville
    8. Gordon D. Jumper, President, Village of South Jacksonville
  5. Family Members and Guardians 1
    1. Ernest Jones, President, Friends of Jacksonville Developmental Center
    2. Phyllis Scharff-Weyand
    3. Donald Pannier
    4. Diane Lepper
    5. Kermit Stokes, Sr.
    6. Marty Mulligan
    7. Deborah Olen Stype
    8. Lorna Dempster
    9. Joanne Dorn
    10. Sharon Pfeiffer
    11. Kelly Brown
    12. Daniel Milligen
  6. Advocacy Organizations 1
    1. Cathy Ficker Terrill, Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
    2. Barbara Pritchard, Community for All Coalition
    3. Scott Nance, Community Organizer, ADAPT
    4. Karen I. Ward, Vice President, Equip for Equality
    5. Tyler McHaley, Co-Chair, Springfield Area Disability Activists
    6. Cilla Sluga, Co-Chair, Springfield Area Disability Activists
  7. Employee Organizations, Unions and Associations
    1. Henry Bayer, Executive Director, AFSCME Council 31
    2. Teresa Stice, President, AFSCME Local 38
    3. Henry Felts R.N., Staff Representative, Illinois Nurses Association
  8. Health Organizations and Business
    1. Chet Wynn, President and CEO, Passavant Area Hospital
    2. Tom Frederick, Elm City Rehabilitation
    3. Ginny Fanning, President, Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce
    4. Terry Denison, President, Jacksonville Area Regional Economic Development
    5. Lonnie Johns, Retired Business Owner
  9. Family Members and Guardians 2
    1. Roger DeWerff
    2. June DeWerff
    3. Ernie Jones
    4. Willa Spoonamore
    5. Jagat Dhamrait
    6. Don Todd
    7. Teresa Edgar
    8. Marcia Burba
    9. Ron Deutschlander
    10. Zola Jackson
    11. Diana Jones
    12. Marie Jones
    13. Christina Nutt
  10. Advocacy Organizations 2
    1. William Gorman, Executive Director, Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois
    2. Ruth Thompson, Executive Director, Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities of Illinois
    3. Amber Smock, Director of Advocacy, Access Living
    4. Tony Paulauski, Executive Director, The Arc of Illinois
    5. Charlotte Cronin, The Arc of Illinois
    6. Rita Burke, Illinois League of Advocates for the Developmentally Disabled
    7. Angela Botz, Independent Living Specialist, IMPACT CIL
    8. Tamar Heller, Director, Institute on Disability and Human Development

  11. Employees
    1. Susan Flynn
    2. Tonda Stouffe
    3. Tammy Bone
    4. Don Olendzki
    5. Anita Nash
    6. Jeffrey Lamb

  12. Community Organizations and Other Interested Parties
    1. Anthony Stephens, Jacksonville UNITE
    2. Duncan Locke, Senior Pastor, Lincoln Avenue Baptist Church
    3. Paula Vanier
    4. John Hume, Lincoln Avenue Baptist Church
    5. Michelle Spurlock
    6. Katherine Dunbar, Regional Director, Bethesda Lutheran Communities
    7. Elder Samuel Holmes, Sr., Community Temple Church of God In Christ
    8. Reverend Gladys Herzog
    9. Tim Ritzo
  13. General Public Comments
  14. Old Business
    1. H. Douglas Singer Mental Health Center
    2. Illinois Youth Center at Murphysboro
    3. Chester Mental Health Center
    4. Jack Mabley Developmental Center
  15. New Business
  16. Announcements
    1. Next Meeting - Wednesday, October 26th at 5:00 p.m. on the closing of the Logan Correctional Center
  17. Adjournment

Testimony and Records of Appearance volume 1 and volume 2

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