Meeting Information

August 4, 2010 Meeting Agenda and Audio
Initial Notice Posted on
August 04, 2010
March 16, 2010 Agenda
Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 -11:00 a.m.
Room 16-503, James R. Thompson Center
- Call to Order by CGFA Co-Chairmen
Senator Jeffery Schoenberg/Representative Richard Myers
- Presentation by Northeastern Illinois University regarding the sale of $6.5 million of Certificates of Participation
- Mark Wilcockson, Vice President for Finance & Administration
- David Jonaitis, Associate Vice President for Financial & Administrative Affairs
- David Rubin, Facilities Management
- Robert Filipp, Purchasing
- John Vincent, John Vincent & Co., contracted Financial Advisors
- James McNulty, John Vincent & Co., contracted Financial Advisors
- Adjournment
Motion and Vote
Meeting audio may be downloaded by using a right click on the audio icon and "Saving As". To listen, you must have a media player already installed, otherwise, download and install one from the following link.