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October 12, 2011 Meeting Agenda and Audio – Chester
Initial Notice Posted on
September 27, 2011
Chester Mental Health Center Agenda October 12, 2011
Purpose: State Facility Closure Act Hearing
Illinois Department of Human Services - Chester Mental Health Center Closure
October 12, 2011; 4:00 p.m.
Chester High School, 1901 Swanwick St., Chester IL 62233
- Call to Order and Summary of State Facility Closure Act:
- Co-Chairs Senator Jeffrey M. Schoenberg / Representative Patricia Bellock
- State of Illinois Executive Branch Officials
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- Michelle R.B. Saddler, Secretary
- Grace Hou, Assistant Secretary
- Lorrie Rickman Jones, Ph.D., Director of Mental Health
- Robert Brock, Budget Director
- Jeff Kunz, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Labor Relations
- Michael Pelletier, Director of Special Projects, Division of Mental Health
- Governor's Office of Management and Budget:
- David Vaught, Director
- Elected Officials
- Dave Luechtefeld, State Senator, 58th District
- Jerry Costello II, State Representative, 116th District
- Joe Eggemeyer, Mayor, City of Chester
- Employee Organizations, Unions and Associations
- Henry Bayer, Executive Director, AFSCME Council 31
- Matthew Grau, President, AFSCME Local 424
- Jason Woolard, Southern Illinois Central Labor Council
- William Thurston, Chair, Southern Illinois AFL-CIO COPE
- Rick Lezu, Staff Representative, Illinois Nurses' Association
- Logan Roche, Business Agent, Carpenters Union
- Health Organizations:
- Steve Hayes, Administrator, Memorial Hospital
- Joann Emge, Administrator, Sparta Community Hospital
- Shane Watson, Administrator, Red Bud Regional Hospital
- Gary Buatte, Executive Director, Human Service Center
- Advocacy Organizations
- Mark Rudolph, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness Southwestern Illinois
- Cheryl Jansen, Legislative Policy Director, Equip for Equality
- AJ French, Executive Director, Sacred Creations
- Business
- Christopher Martin, Economic Development Coordinator, Randolph County
- Tom Welge, President, Chester Chamber of Commerce
- Michael Franklin, Regional Vice President, Frontier Star
- Employees
- Joseph L. Harper, Clinical Social Worker
- Dr. Tom Holt, Psychologist III
- About Mental Illness and our Population
- Nageswararao Vallabhenaneni, Psychiatrist
- Rhonda Wilson, Registered Nurse
- Michael Fogerson, Chaplain/Pastor, First Baptist Chester Church
- CMHC - Facility Specific Information
- Eric Vana, RN 1
- Wayne Womac, Psychologist
- Dr. Susan Carr, Physician
- David Dunker, Retired Administrative Assistant
- Tim Koeneman, STA I
- John Greatting, STA I
- Brenda Shemoney, LPN/STA I
- Leah Hammel, RN/Infection Control Coordinator
- Emily Bollmann, LCSW, Social Worker IV
- Deb Rathert, RN-INA Union President
- Mike Parker, Public Service Administrator
- Lisa Morgan, Dietary Supervisor
- Patient Perspective
- Shirley Shaw, Social Worker
- Impact on Patient after Closures
- Maria Maldonado, Psychologist
- Violent Patients/Injured Staff
- Vanessa Broussard, LCSW PSA
- Mary Cometto, STA I
- Norman Grau, STA
- Cindy Welton, STA II
- Dennis Hopkins, STA I
- Sandy Schwartz, Retired STA
- Mark Troue, Training Coordinator
- Impact on Community
- Jeff Cripps
- Lila Lee, Social Worker II
- Patty Eggemeyer, Support Service Worker
- Impact on Staff and their Families
- Arlene Hill, Former Human Rights Coordinator
- Jeannie Grau, Lab Technician
- Nancy Homan, Retired RN
- Rebecca Kempfer, Office Assistant
- Felecia Rucker, Executive Secretary
- Debra Franklin, Dental Hygienist
- Response to Facility Issues Identified by DHS/Governor
- Pam Deterding, Human Resource Specialist
- Rose Dethrow, Chief Engineer
- Facility Physical Plant Information
- Bill Gross, Plumber
- Darrell Crum, Plumber
- Facility Statistical Information
- Scott Rubach, STA I
- Melody Schoeppel, Office Associate
- Jim Draves, STA I
- Steven Newbold, Dentist
- General Public Comments
- Patsie Hopkins
- Brenda Owen, Principal, St. John Lutheran School
- Michael Howie
- Judith Bukowski
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
Written Testimony and Records of Appearance
Meeting audio may be downloaded by using a right click on the audio icon and "Saving As". To listen, you must have a media player already installed, otherwise, download and install one from the following link.