Department of Corrections Thomson Correctional Center
The Department of Corrections proposes to
close this facility.
November 25, 2009
Initial Public Notice to CGFA from the Agency:
November 25, 2009
Recommendation Requested by CGFA from the Agency:
Received with Notice of Closure
Recommendation Received:
November 25, 2009
Public Comment Period:
November 26-December 25
Meeting Scheduled:
December 22, 2009
Meeting Agenda:
December 22, 2009
December 22, 2009 Meeting Video:
Part I
**Please use Windows Media Player to view these videos.
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Dept. of Defense Letter to US Rep. Kirk:
December 15, 2009
Dept. of Defense Letter to Governor Quinn:
December 15, 2009
Follow-Up Meeting Scheduled:
January 6, 2010 - Agenda
Court Injunction Documents and Judge's Order:
January 4, 2010
Governor's Office Responses to Commission Questions:
January 6, 2010
January 6, 2010 Meeting Video:
Meeting Video
**Please use Windows Media Player to view this video.
Public Letters and Written Testimony:
as of January 7, 2010
Vote on Motion to Accept Recommendation of Closure:
January 6, 2010
Commission Recommendation:
January 13, 2010
Federal Bureau of Prisons Letter to Illinois: |
December 21, 2010 |
Status of Facility Closure Process:
THOMSON (AP) — The average of three appraisals of the value of a northwestern Illinois prison that the state wants to sell to the federal government is nearly $220 million. That price is higher than the $170 million the Obama administration requested from Congress to purchase the Thomson Correctional Center and make security upgrades. A spokesman for Illinois Governor Pat Quinn says the state legally can accept no less than the nearly $220 million for the 1,600-bed prison. Both federal and state officials say the process is moving forward. Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Edmond Ross says the bureau must do its own appraisal.
Status Update as of December 21, 2010:
The State held a public auction of the Thomson Correctional Center on December 21, 2010, as required by State law. There were no bidders. The Federal Bureau of Prisons sent a letter stating that they were unable to bid at the public auction due to Federal law and a lack of appropriations, although they are still interested in purchasing the prison.
Status Update as of May 18, 2011
There is an agreement on the sale price of the Thomson Correctional Center between Governor Quinn and the Obama Administration. Although details are still being worked out, the two sides agreed on the price of $165 million. |
Status Update as of July 4, 2012 |
Thomson Prison Sale Hits another Snag |
Status of Closure:
Complete - Facility Closed as of May 2011. |
Conveyance of Property to the Federal Government |
January 29, 2013 |